Ever since I picked up an old Olympus OM-10 SLR more than twenty-five years ago I’ve been fascinated – obsessed, I’m sure some would say – with astrophotography.

Whether it's the simple beauty of the Earthshine-lit Moon enveloped in twilight, a dazzling meteor flitting among the stars or the spellbinding majesty of the Milky Way arching overhead, I believe the night sky has an extraordinary capability to enthral and inspire us – and it’s little moments of wonder like these that I’ve tried to capture and celebrate in my work.

Today my interest is mainly in nightscape and deep-sky widefield photography with a DSLR, but I also carry out long-focal-length imaging of the Moon and planets when conditions allow.

I hope you enjoy browsing through this gallery of my images, and visual sketches made at the eyepiece, and wish you the clearest of skies as you seek out your own astronomical adventures!


P.S. For more information about my other work, please visit my main website.




I welcome enquiries from picture editors, publishers, television producers, journalists etc. who wish to use my images in their projects. Please see the notes below for more information.


All images on this site are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any medium without my prior written consent. If you're interested in using pictures from the collection please first get in touch via email with details of how and where you'd like to use the image(s). Please note that the images shown in this gallery are mostly low resolution, for web display purposes only, and should not be downloaded straight from the site. Once a licence and a fee have been agreed you will be sent the high-res versions where they are available.

Image search

Use the box on the right to search by object name, deep sky catalogue number or transient phenomenon (e.g. Great Red Spot, M42, Copernicus). Images that match your search will be displayed on a new page, and you can carry out additional searches from there.


The astrophotos in this portfolio have been carefully processed and saved for presentation on the web. Please note, however, that not all computer/tablet/smartphone screens display the various shades of very dark grey to their fullest extent. If you cannot see all the grey tones (plus solid black) clearly delineated in the bar below, you will likely not be seeing the images in the gallery at their best.