The Orion Nebula (M42) and M43 - 2 February 2019 - Inverted pencil and paper sketch. Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 40mm Plössl eyepiece

Crater Plato & the Vallis Alpes - 6 March 2017, 20:30-23:30UT. Pastel pencils on black paper. Sketched at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl.

The Lagoon Nebula (M8) - 19 July 2014 - Inverted pencil and paper sketch.Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

Montes Agricola to Herodotus & Aristarchus - pastel pencils on black paper - completed at ~23:15UT, 9 January 2017. Sketched at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT w/ a 3x Barlow and 26mm Plössl.

Sunspot group (AR)2645 - 13:25-14:21 UT, 2 April 2017 - graphite pencil & paper sketch. Observing equipment: Baader AstroSolar Safety Film solar filter, 8" SCT, 26mm Plössl eyepiece & 2x Barlow lens.

Pastel pencil sketch of the region around lunar craters Billy & Hansteen - 7-8 May 2017. Made at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 9mm Plössl eyepiece.

Evolution of a prominence on the Sun's limb in H-alpha (observed using a Coronado PST) - 28 March 2009 - pencil and paper sketch scanned, inverted and colourized on PC

The walled-plain Grimaldi - 21:30UT-00:00UT, 5-6 August 2017. Pastel pencils on black paper. Sketched at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl.

Full Moon - 6 May 2020 - Sketched at the eyepiece of a 66m refractor using a 2x Barlow lens & 26mm Plossl. Pastel pencils on black paper.

An impression of the crescent Moon in deep evening twilight - sketched at the eyepiece (a 40mm Plossl) of an 8" SCT with pastel pencils and black card - 19 April 2018

Craters Aristoteles & Eudoxus - 22 February 2018 - 18:50-21:00UT. Pastel pencil on black card. Drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 26mm Plossl & 3x Barlow lens.

Jupiter sketched at the eyepiece under good seeing - 00:20-00:42UT, 7 April 2017. Coloured pencils on paper. Observed with 8" SCT, 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl.

Sinus Iridum (The Bay of Rainbows) - 23 January 2021. Pastel pencils on black card. Drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens.

The globular cluser M13 - 20 July 2014 - Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

M105, NGC 3384 & NGC 3389 - 11 February 2018 - graphite pencil and paper sketch made at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with 32mm Plossl (sketch digitised & inverted in Photoshop).

The Hyginus & Triesnecker rille systems. Sketch made at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using a 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl (pastel pencil and black card) - 20:30UT-23:00UT, 11 May 2019

Crater Theophilus and surrounding region - sketched at the eyepiece of a 200m SCT with pastel pencils and black artist's paper - 17 April 2021

A pastel pencil sketch of the ray ejecta of the lunar crater Kepler made at the eyepiece of a 200mm SCT on 26 February 2021.

The crater Copernicus – sketched under good seeing on 12 Jan 2022 at the eyepiece of an 203mm SCT at 230X magnification. Pastel pencils on grey art card.

The Palus Epidemiarum region & the rille system Rimae Ramsden (bottom left). Pastel pencils, black card & a 203mm SCT, 24mm Plossl eyepiece & 2x Barlow lens - 19 July 2021

Hedgerow prominence seen in H-alpha - ~11:50UT, 20 October 2017 - graphite pencil & paper sketch inverted and colourized in Photoshop. Coronado PST solar telescope & 9.5mm Plössl.

Sunrise over the western walls of Copernicus - 13/14 July 2016. Pastel pencils on black card. Drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using a 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens.

Pastel pencil sketch of Mars at ~22:30UT, 4 November 2020, as seen through a 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope using a 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl eyepiece.

The gibbous Moon sketched at the eyepiece of a 66mm-aperture refractor on the night of 16 October 2021. Pastel pencils on grey art card with a 26mm eyepiece & 2x Barlow.

Lunar terminator around crater Sirsalis E - 30 November 2017 - 20:30-22:40UT. Pastel pencil on black card. Drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 26mm Plossl & 3x Barlow lens.

The open cluser M103 - 20 July 2014 - Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

The Serpentine Ridge and crater Posidonius - 13 April 2016 - pastel pencils on black card - drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using a 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens

The Ring Nebula (M57) - 20 July 2014 - Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

Crater Aristarchus & Vallis Schröteri - 19/20 April 2016 - Drawn at the eyepiece of 8" SCT with 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens - pastel pencils on black paper

The region around the lunar crater Gruithuisen (above centre). Sketch made at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using a 3x Barlow lens & 26mm Plössl (pastel pencil and black card).

The volcanic domes Arago Alpha & Beta (below centre) & a series of wrinkle ridges near crater Arago - 24 November 2017, pastel pencils on black card. Equipment: 8" SCT, 26mm Plossl & 3x Barlow.

The 47%-illuminated Moon sketched at the eyepiece of a 66mm refractor telescope fitted with a 15mm Plössl eyepiece. Pastel pencils on black art paper – 10 December 2021

Region around the lunar craters Kepler & Encke. Pastel pencils on black paper - drawn at eyepiece of 8" SCT with 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow - 18 February 2016

The Orion Nebula (M42) and M43 - 15 January 2016 - Inverted pencil and paper sketch. Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

Crater Gassendi - 24 June 2018 - Pastel pencil on black card. Drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with a 26mm Plossl & 3x Barlow lens.

Schickard crater - 20 March 2016 - pastel pencils on black card - drawn at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using a 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens

The globular cluser M5 - 9 July 2015 - Instrument used: 8-inch SCT with 26mm Plössl eyepiece

Craters Aristillus, Autolycus, Archimedes & the Montes Spitzbergen - 21:30-00:30 UT, 4/5 April 2017. Sketched at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT with 26mm Plössl & 3x Barlow lens.

M104 (the Sombrero Galaxy) - pencil on paper sketch (inverted in Photoshop) made from Exmoor International Dark Sky Reserve - 22 April 2017. Equipment: 8" SCT, 26mm Plössl.

Mare Imbrium wrinkle ridges between Mons Piton & Mons Pico - sketched at the eyepiece of an 8" SCT using pastel pencils and black art paper.

Sun rising over the western rims of the craters Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus & Arzachel – sketched at the eyepiece of a 90mm Maksutov-Cassegrain, 8 May 2022