Huge hedgerow prominence - 23 April 2015

The solar corona during totality - 21 August 2017

AR2192 surrounded by faculae near the solar limb - 28 October 2014

The planet Mercury silhouetted against the limb of the Sun during the May 2016 transit - 11:21UT, 9 May 2016

Sunspot AR2371 showing penumbral filaments and granulation - 19 June 2015

Mosaic of active regions, filaments and promiences in hydrogen alpha on 4 September 2013

Large hedgerow prominence - 17 September 2015, 10:57UT

High magnification image of sunspot AR2565 showing penumbral filaments and surrounding granulation cells - 18 July 2016

The Diamond Ring effect and chromospheric arc during the 21 August 2017 total solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse - complete sequence from 1st to 4th contact - 21 August 2017

Large prominence and filaments - 22 April 2015

Peak of M6.5-class solar flare from active region 2371 - 18:23UT, 22 June 2015

Composite image of the solar corona and the 'new' Moon - 21 August 2017

Sunspot group AR2321 with granulation - 14 April 2015

White-light solar filter image of large sunspot (AR)2665 including filamentary structures within penumbra & surrounding photosphere granulation - 13:12UT, 12 July 2017

Full solar disc mosaic in hydrogen-alpha showing filaments, prominences and active regions, 6 May 2013

Solar prominences in H-alpha - 31 March 2015

Large filaments, plage and active regions in hydrogen alpha, 12 June 2014

The chromospheric arc prior to second contact during the 21 August 2017 total solar eclipse

Sunspot groups, 9 May 2014

Sunspot AR2396 showing granulation, penumbral filaments and numerous small pores - 8 August 2015, 07:47UT

White-light sunspots, 10 July 2014

White-light full solar disc with sunspots and faculae, 12 June 2014

Prominences and active regions (in H-alpha) on the Sun's western limb - 23 April 2015

Plasma 'raining' back onto the Sun after a prominence lift off - 14 March 2016

Sunspot AR2567 in white-light showing granulation cells - 18 July 2016

Sunspot AR2158 showing granulation & penumbral structures - 8 September 2014

Sunspot within AR2529 showing penumbral filaments - 12 April 2016 - 13:33UT

Large prominences in h-alpha, 3 May 2014

Last partial phase before totality during total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015

H-alpha solar activity including active regions (AR2321, 2324 & 2325), prominences and filaments - 15 April 2015

Active region 2371 - 22 June 2015

2012 transit of Venus sequence

Sunspot AR2158 showing granulation, pores & penumbral structures - 10 September 2014

Sunspot group AR2321 with faculae and granulation - 13 April 2015

H-alpha view of filaments, plage and a prominence on 4 September 2013

Large sunspot (AR)2665 - white-light solar filtered image, 13:14UT - 12 July 2017

Animation of prominence motion over roughly 20 minutes - 3 May 2014

Solar active region in h-alpha surrounded by multiple twisting filaments, 15 July 2012

Partial solar eclipse through certified solar filter - 25 October 2022

Prominences, active regions & filaments - 22 April 2015

Large prominence in hydrogen alpha - 9 November 2014

Sunspot group AR2381 with granulation - 9 July 2015 - 16:57UT

Sunspots (AR2567 & AR2565) in white-light showing granulation of the surrounding photosphere - 18 July 2016

The inner corona and prominences during totality - 20 March 2015 total solar eclipse

Progression of the March 2006 total solar eclipse including final partial phases and totality

Prominences on the solar limb in hydrogen-alpha light - 10:12UT, 11 September 2016

White-light solar filter view of the May 2016 transit of Mercury - 9 May 2016

High resolution f/30 close-up of sunspot AR2396 showing numerous penumbral filaments - 8 August 2015, 07:33 UT

Large sunspot within AR2546 - 09:31UT, 24 May 2016

Sunspot group AR2339 with light bridges and granulation - 11 May 2015

Large filament and prominence - 8 February 2015

Sunspot AR2371 with surrounding granulation - 19 June 2015

Partially eclipsed Sun images projected through a colander - 29 March 2006

Large sunspot in white-light on the solar limb with nearby faculae, 12 November 2013

Large prominence group, filaments and plage in hydrogen alpha - 16 April 2014

Hydrogen alpha view of a large prominence on the solar limb, 29 June 2013

Sunspot AR2192 showing prominent light bridges - 25 October 2014

Sunspots AR2325 & AR2324 with photospheric granulation - 20 April 2015

The planet Mercury appears backdropped by the roiling photosphere during the transit of 9 May 2016

Sunspot group AR2320 with photosphere granulation - 6 April 2015

Sunspot on the solar limb with faculae - 14 April 2015

Prominences in hydrogen alpha, 26 May 2013

Large prominence in H-alpha light - 17 September 2015, 10:50UT

The transit of Venus in hydrogen alpha light, 6 June 2012

Active region 2529 near the Sun's limb - 17 April 2016 - 16:17UT

The transit of Venus, 6 June 2012

Sunspots close to the solar limb (white-light) with faculae, 12 November 2013

Filaments and swirling chromospheric textures surrounding active regions, 23 November 2012

Small prominences and chromosphere texture, 5 May 2013

Close-up of sunspots in white-light showing granulation, penumbrae structures and pores

White-light solar filter view of sunspot group 2645 (AR2645) - 11:55UT, 2 April 2017

Small prominences and active region with plage, 4 November 2013

Structures in the inner corona during a total solar eclipse - 29 March 2006

Totality to 4th contact during total solar eclipse - 20 March 2015

Large solar prominence in hydrogen alpha, 31 August 2013

Close-up detail of sunspots in white-light showing photospheric granulation and structure within the sunspot penumbrae

Mercury edges onto the solar disc in hydrogen-alpha light during the transit of 9 May 2016

Sunspots near the solar limb, in white-light, with bright faculae - 29 October 2013

A sliver of Sun, moments before second contact, during the partial phase of the March 2006 total solar eclipse

Small sunspots and faculae near the solar limb, 10 November 2013

Sunspot within AR2529 plus surrounding granulation - 12 April 2016 - 11:34UT

Prominences along the Sun's limb in h-alpha, 6 April 2013

Large sunspot group AR 1944 in white-light showing detail in the penumbra, 9 January 2014

Full solar disc in hydrogen alpha showing prominences and active regions - 9 November 2014

Prominences in H-alpha - 10:16UT, 11 September 2016

Sunspot (AR)2403 showing multiple pores, penumbral detail and surrounding granulation - 23 August 2015

Large solar filament in hydrogen alpha, 5 August 2012

Active region with plage, 23 November 2012

Full solar disc through white-light solar filter with sunspots and faculae - 18 August 2013

Detached prominence, 4 September 2013

Sunspots AR2157 & AR2155 - 10 September 2014

Large prominence and filaments, 8 July 2012

White-light sunspot group surrounded by pores and faculae, 11 January 2014

Hedgerow prominence - 18 September 2015, 13:33UT

Sunspot pair with nearby pores surrounded by faculae (white-light), 12 November 2013

Solar flare from large active region (in hydrogen alpha light) - 12 May 2012

Prominences, filaments, plage and an active region in hydrogen alpha - 11 January 2014

Prominences in hydrogen alpha - 26 May 2013

Prominences, plage and filaments in hydrogen alpha - 6 May 2013

Large hedgerow prominence - 20 September 2013

Small detached prominence - 4 May 2014

Active region 2415 - 18 September 2015, 14:10UT

The transit of Venus in hydrogen alpha light, 6 June 2012

Sunrise sequence over distant mountains, through solar filter, showing the 2012 transit of Venus in progress

Active region with bright plage and narrow filament - 11 May 2012

Large prominence arch with filaments and plage - 4 May 2014

Sunspot (AR)2403 with surrounding faculae - 27 August 2015, 14:32UT

Long solar filament and regions of plage (h-alpha) - 30 March 2014

Filaments and plage in h-alpha, 30 March 2014

Wide view of totally eclipsed Sun during total solar eclipse - 20 March 2015

AR2396 showing granulation and surrounding pores - 8 August 2015, 07:28UT

Small sunspot, pores and granulation - 31 August 2013

Small sunspot and large group of pores, 10 November 2013

Sunspots in white-light showing faculae and a 'light island' (within umbra of the left sunspot), 11 July 2014

Filaments, plage and quiet active region in h-alpha, 30 March 2014

The transit of Venus, 6 June 2012

Small active region in hydrogen alpha with plage, 30 March 2014

White-light full solar disc with sunspots, 9 January 2014

Active region 2418 - 18 September 2015, 13:36UT

M6.5-class solar flare from active region 2371 - 18:20UT, 22 June 2015

White-light full solar disc with sunspots and faculae

The transit of Venus, 6 June 2012

Small sunspots, pores and solar granulation - 31 August 2013

Solar prominences in H-alpha (limb only) - 31 March 2015

Active region 2415 - 18 September 2015, 13:42UT

Full solar disc mosaic in hydrogen-alpha showing filaments, prominences and active regions

Totality during the 20 March 2015 total solar eclipse (processed to reveal structures in the solar corona)

Sunspots on the Sun captured with a specialist certified solar filter - 26 November 2020