The International Space Station sailing across the starfields of the Milky Way during astronomical twilight - 24 July 2017

Montage of the International Space Station passing over Somerset, UK ~17:40UT, 20 December 2015

SpaceX Falcon 9 upper stage & Dragon capsule ~20 minutes after launch with tumbling solar panel covers - 14 April 2015

Montage, created from a video sequence, showing how the ISS reflects sunset colours as it passes into Earth's shadow

SpaceX's (CRS-11) Dragon capsule firing one of its thrusters as it passed over Somerset, UK, shortly after launch - other objects are solar panel covers & Falcon 9 upper stage - 3 June 2017

The International Space Station transiting the Sun - white-light solar filter view. Composite created from stacking HD video frames - ~16:24UT, 11 April 2017

The International Space Station (montage) - 15 April 2015

The ISS reflecting the orange colours of orbital sunset as it passes into the Earth's shadow among the starfields of the Milky Way - 4 August 2016

The Landsat 9 Centaur rocket upper stage deorbit burn as seen from Somerset, UK – 27 September 2021

A magnitude -7.5 Iridium flare close to the bright star Arcturus

SpaceX's CRS-9 Dragon spacecraft (thin line) chasing the International Space Station across a moonlit sky - ~02:30BST, 20 July 2016

Flaring satellite and the Milky Way

A magnitude -6.1 Iridium flare through Orion

A just-launched batch of Starlink satellites with associated hardware and Falcon 9 upper stage passing over Somerset, UK - 4 May 2021

Pass of the main train of SpaceX's 'Starlink' satellites showing brightness variations and flaring - approx. 22:25UT, 27 May 2019

(Unknown) tumbling & flaring satellite - 5 August 2016

Geostationary satellites appearing against the stars of Cetus & Pisces - 9 October 2018 (trails centred on roughly 20:57UT)

USA 238 NOSS pair

Close-up montage of the International Space Station

Twilight pass over Europe of the NASA/SpaceX Crew Dragon 'DM2' mission carrying astronauts Bob Behnken & Col. Doug Hurley - 31 May 2020

The ISS and the Space Shuttle Discovery

A montage of 3 frames from a pass of the International Space Station over Somerset, UK - 5 April 2016

The L26 'train' of newly-launched Starlink satellites passing over Somerset, UK - 17 May 2021

Twilight pass of the ISS with tumbling satellite (top right)

The International Space Station glides over high above a layer of drifting clouds - 31 July 2016

Envisat satellite flaring

The Landsat 9 Centaur rocket upper stage deorbit burn as seen from Somerset, UK – 27 September 2021

The International Space Station and ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-5)

The Hubble Space Telescope (horizontal trail) passing over Bermuda with Jupiter shining above - 19 June 2018 - approx 21:46 local time.

Bright Iridium flare near Cassiopeia

The International Space Station and ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-5)

Image of the ISS through a small telescope

The ISS, airglow and the Milky Way - 9 June 2015